
Digitalize your purchasing processes with modular ERP solutions. Meet your needs faster.

Purchasing Management (PUR)

Everything goes smoothly if you know what the company needs and when. Digitalize your stocks with the Purchasing Management Module and view all your stocks on one screen.

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Purchasing Management

All companies that manufacture using Industry 4.0 solutions significantly increase process efficiency. Produce with modern production processes with Pointix software support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Eliminate over-filing by creating the products that your organization needs regularly to keep working, along with their suppliers, quantities, and time of purchase.

Keep track of suppliers' behavior throughout this process. These records make it easier for you to find your ideal suppliers.

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Advance Planning

It is extremely important to be aware of your company's needs and ensure that products are supplied when needed. Thanks to Pointix Purchasing Management Programs, the company's stock information is transferred to the system with up-to-date data, and when a potential need arises, it is immediately resolved. You get rid of the hassle of searching for a supplier as it is predetermined where these products will be sourced from.

Pointix Purchasing Management Solutions categorizes the products and suppliers for you. It simplifies the procurement and stocking process. Contrary to the speed and ease provided by ERP Solutions, the execution of purchasing processes with traditional methods creates an environment that is both slow and prone to error.

Transparent Trade Areas

The fully digitized progress of the purchasing processes enables the company's purchasing processes to proceed more transparently. With the digitization of the purchasing process, you can better identify your needs. You also get a better understanding of which suppliers and which products are best suited for your company.

Pointix Purchasing Management Solutions categorizes the products and suppliers for you. It simplifies the procurement and stocking process. Contrary to the speed and ease provided by ERP Solutions, the execution of purchasing processes with traditional methods creates an environment that is both slow and prone to error.

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