
Coordinate your communication with your customers by using CRM solutions. Efficiently evaluate customer data and feedback.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Failures in the communication channels between the customer and the brand cannot be ignored. Improve the communication process between you and your customers with Customer Relationship Solutions.

Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetimi (CRM) content 1

Customer Relationship Management

All companies that manufacture using Industry 4.0 solutions significantly increase process efficiency. Produce with modern production processes with Pointix software support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Müşteri geri bildirimlerinin genel temaları ve kaynaklarına göre ayrı gruplara ayrıştırılması sonucunda okuması çok daha kolay bir dönüt havuzu yaratılır. Okunması daha kolay bir dönüt verisi sistemin analiz desteği ile birlikte isabetli içgörüler oluşturabilir.

Kurum içi ve dışında gerçekleştirilen servis hizmetlerinin tek bir sistem üzerinden koordine edilip dosyalanması sayesinde gözlemlenip kontrol edilmesi ile kolay bir ağ elde edilir.

Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetimi (CRM) content 2

Customer Feedback Tracking

It is important that the communication between the brands and their customers is easy and open, and that customer demands can be responded to immediately. In addition, it is important to develop by taking into account the demands of the customer to ensure customer satisfaction.

Thanks to the integration feature of the ERP Customer Relationship Management module, data is collected and organized in the database. Thanks to the Customer Relationship Management Module, all connections with customers are processed daily and stored on servers.

Digitalized Communication

Address and behavior data of people from the Service and Sales departments are used to create a future map of the company. This data is also used to create a customer survey structure with Pointix Customer Relationship Management Solutions.

ERP Customer Relationship Management Programs create a customer database by backing up the data resulting from the communication between the customers and the institution. This enables the brand to better understand its customers. Digitize the communication between you and your customers with Customer Relationship Management and respond instantly to the demands of each of your customers.

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