With ERP technologies, your organization's operations are under a digital roof.
This technology allows you to use your data in the best way.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Pointix ERP system combines the data produced by your company's business processes in a single database and prevents it from creating multiple records. The common database collects all company data in a single database and facilitates data analysis.
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Enterprise Resource Planning

All companies that manufacture using Industry 4.0 solutions significantly increase process efficiency. Produce with modern production processes with Pointix software support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks to the ERP software, all your data is labeled in a digital environment and kept on the servers, and you can quickly access this data.
Thanks to ERP, your digitalized documentation and planning processes gain efficiency with technology support, allowing your company to save both time and cost.
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Common Data Repository

Pointix ERP systems are designed to use a common database system between modules and units. The common database minimizes the error with the feature that the data accumulated in the institution can be used and edited between units. It also increases the efficiency of use. Connections between units are created in a way that takes into account their working style. Data crowding is prevented and each unit has access to the data it needs to access.

Thanks to these features, ERP Solutions transforms the operating systems of the company into systems that are compatible with the modern era and integrated.

Data Efficiency

All companies aim to archive their data as properly as possible and use it efficiently. To make it easier for companies to achieve these goals, ERP makes the collection, organization, and analysis of existing data a much faster and more accurate process by moving the relationship between data and users to a digital and controlled environment.

Thanks to ERP, everyone in the company interacts with the same database, which creates a large and inclusive database. Since this database is separated according to needs, it creates an easier user experience for all users. As a result of the fact that the data repository is an element that is in constant interaction, all units know that the data contained therein is up-to-date and in a complete form, and they continue their business processes without any doubt.

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