
Digitalize your communication with your employees. Respond to their needs and demands faster.

Human Resource Management (HRM)

If employees feel that their needs are understood and answered, the efficiency of the working environment will increase. Examine and respond to more requests in less time by digitizing your human resources processes. Turn your employees' satisfaction into your company's success.

İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi (HRM) content 1

Human Resource Management

All companies that manufacture using Industry 4.0 solutions significantly increase process efficiency. Produce with modern production processes with Pointix software support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Digitizing the communication between the employee and the company ensures that errors such as timing and status are eliminated in this process.

Thanks to the Human Resources records in the system, it becomes easier to monitor how employees are performing.

İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi (HRM) content 2

Employee and Company Communication

Human resources, which manage the communication of employees within a company with each other and with the company, are important for the organization. The company's access to ideal personnel becomes easier with the digitization of human resources. Human resources data is collected in a single database. This data allows the company to better evaluate employee candidates during the hiring process.

Potential Employee Data

Pointix Human Resources Management coordinates human resources better by using personnel data. It gives the Human Resources units of the institutions the power to structure the communication between the company and the employees in a way that is beneficial to both. Human resources units supported by Pointix Human Resources Management allow the company to take strategic steps in employee management.

The Human Resources Management Module, which facilitates the processing of various documents and reports concerning human resources by collecting them in a digital data pool, creates an opportunity for the relevant departments to work more efficiently. With the support of human resources processes in the digital environment, it becomes easier to prevent labor-related problems that large-scale or growth-oriented companies may encounter in this process. Improve your employee relationship by optimizing your organization's communication with potential and current workforce resources with Pointix Human Resources Management.

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