
Career at Pointix

Our human resources department aims to create a fair work environment, where the motivation to work is kept alive, and where the employee can access the resources they need to reach their potential, by creating a healthy and transparent communication channel with our experts.

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Recruitment Process

At Pointix, we attach importance to the fairness and transparency of the recruitment processes. We employ a three-step recruitment method to work with employees who have the skills and approaches best suited for the company.

In the first step, the employee dealing with the recruitment process examines the information submitted by the candidates and creates a qualification report on their suitability for the position needed or applied for. In this step, candidates who are found suitable for the position by the authorized employee are directed to the department officials for a preliminary interview.

A meeting is arranged between the candidates and the officials of the department they will work in, and the candidates are allowed to introduce themselves and explain themselves. In this step, the candidate can meet the individuals he will work with, and for the department officials to test their compatibility with the candidate, allowing both parties to shape their thoughts.

Candidates who are eligible during the pre-interview process are invited for a third interview. In this step, the candidate's compatibility with the institution is finalized by meeting with both colleagues and administrative officials and he starts working as soon as possible.

Employee Satisfaction

Pointix positions it as a priority for all its personnel to grow and develop in a fair and supported working environment.

To achieve this, the Human Resources unit uses a transparent form of communication regarding the work motivation, physical needs, and performance problems of the employees. A transparent communication channel allows employees to voice their wishes and complaints without fear of negative feedback, making it easier for Pointix to respond to problems and needs.

Through these actions developed by Pointix to satisfy all employees, employees feel that they are cared for.

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Performance Tracking

Performance monitoring at Pointix has a system developed to control corporate plans and targets most accurately. Performance problems and disruptions that may occur in the business process are identified thanks to the performance tracking system, preventing potential problems and increasing overall efficiency.

Performance tracking standards are arranged in proportion to each employee’s department and the services expected from him, ensuring that unrealistic goals and work schedules are not a problem for the employee.

With Pointix's Performance Monitoring System, which prevents work disruptions and disproportionate performance expectations, Pointix employees feel happier both at work and in their private lives by establishing a work-life balance.

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