
Don't limit your communication power with people and words. Include your smart devices in the conversation with IoT technologies.

Internet Of Things (IoT)

It is a fact that smart devices that affect every aspect of life bring innovation to every industry. Help your devices reach their maximum potential with the Internet of things and increase your productivity

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Internet Of Things

Leverage automation technologies to minimize the need for human intervention. Modernize your processes with Pointix automation formation and configuration programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Internet of Things technology combines all your devices with the capacity to connect to a single data repository and increase the ability to learn artificial intelligence between devices.

The Internet of Things technology shares the data collected by all the devices it is in with each other. In this way, it gives results by using data collected from multiple sources.

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Synchronized Devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) is defined as the fully synchronized operation of devices with other devices over the Internet. Increasingly used by organizations in various industries, IoT Technology enables companies to work more efficiently, provide better customer service and make more effective decisions.

The Internet of Things transfers the data of smart technologies in the system to an environment where they can be analyzed jointly through a gateway. Through this data sharing, smart devices communicate with each other without the need for manual input and perform their functions.

Big Data

The data collected by the devices is also made suitable for human interaction by going through certain processes. It acts as a powerful information source to analyze the large database created by multiple devices communicating with each other. The implementation of the strategic decisions taken as a result of the analysis in a way that will spread to the system increases the speed of implementation of the decisions to be taken for the system, thus accelerating and facilitating the change.

Another advantage that the Internet of Things provides to institutions is the interconnection of corporate processes. An automatic communication network is created between operations that work in conjunction with each other, such as shipping tracking, stock control, and production tracking, which are linked by the Internet of Things. Thus, up-to-date and accessible operation data is created.

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